4 CPE* Credits $47 LIVE Zoom WEBINAR
Cover the major Federal individual tax issues, dues dates and recent IRS announcements and tax law updates. Overview of the new Written Information Security Plan (WISP), tax planning under a divided congress and the major provisions of the SECURE Act 2.0 related to individuals and sole proprietors, including tax matters related to Roth IRAs, RMDs, early withdrawal penalties, catch-up contributions, retirement provisions, 529 plans and student loan repayments. Also, covering green tax credits and deductions for individuals including, energy efficient home improvement credit, residential clean energy credit, solar tax credit deeper dive, alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit, new and used clean vehicle tax credits. This will provide the traditional updates and reminders of the latest allowable tax amounts for individuals with tax tips related such matters as investor tax deductions, employee related tax deductions, backdoor Roth IRA and major items to keep in mind with Form 1040. Focus will be spent on sole proprietor tax matters such as tax deductions not to miss, audit basics, LLC’s, compensation to sole proprietors, considerations to convert to S-corporation, business vehicle deductions, depreciation inflation updates, mileage rate deduction vs. actual vehicles expenses, employee status determination, Form 1099-K reminders and an update on the qualified business income deduction. A walk through of partnership Schedule K-1 matters including reconciling the reporting to Form 1040, tax and at-risk basis, guaranteed payments, self-employment taxes, 2 court cases on related matters and allowing losses. A continued walk through of S-corporation K-1 matters including shareholder basis, at-risk basis as reported on Form 7203, reconciling the Schedule K-1 to the Form 1040 and audit considerations. A revisit to the Qualified Opportunity Fund, material participation and self-employment taxes imposed on short-term rentals. This will provide the latest news from the IRS, about ”the IRS” as well as an analysis of projected future IRS audit considerations analyzing what the IRS is focused on now, such as cryptocurrency, tax basis and NFTs.
Full pdf copy of the PowerPoint presented and ability to re-watch the seminar until October 31, 2024 (next year).
CPE cannot be earned for re-watching the seminar video.
To earn CPE* credits, attendance during the live presentation required.
Dates of Program
January Date to be Determined
This will benefit anyone interested in staying up to date with this subject.
Tax Experience
Qualifies for
LIVE Webcast
via Zoom
Delivery Method
Group Internet Based
Designed for
Required to Receive CPE
Field of Study
Joshua Jenson CPA
Advance Prep
Material Date
Up to date of seminar
Course #
*State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.
*This CPE Sponsor Does NOT have a NASBA# but meets all AICPA CPE Standards to qualify for CPE. See Disclosures below.
This CE program sponsor IRS provider number is YWTHG under the Organization name of JJ the CPA, PLLC.
CLICK HERE for more information on this sponsor for EA purposes.
Materials Provided​
After signing up and paying for the seminar, you will receive an email with the seminar's Zoom link as well as a link to a private webpage that will contain the course materials.
Zoom link to the seminar emailed to you immediately after signing up and paying.
Seminar slides in pdf format. 30 minutes before the start of the seminar, a link will be added to the webpage to download your copy. You will receive a link to that private webpage immediately upon signing up and paying for the course.
Link to re-watch the seminar for 30 days, provided 48 hours after the seminar ends. NO CPE can be earned by re-watching the video. You must attend live to receive CPE credit.
Major Topics
Federal tax issues related to Individuals (Form 1040)
Tax affects to individuals who own flow-thru entities; S-Corporations and Partnerships
Latest IRS tax numbers & developments
Inflation Reduction Act & Secure Act 2.0
Tax planning for sunsetting TCJA tax laws
WISP (Written Information Security Plan)
Short-term rentals & self-employment taxes
Backdoor roth conversions under the pro-rata rules
Qualified opportunity zone update
Green tax credits and deductions for individuals
Energy efficient home improvement credit
Residential clean energy credit
Solar tax credit deeper dive
Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit
Clean vehicle tax credits
Used & new clean vehicle tax credits
IRS provisions on new and used clean, EV and PHEV vehicle tax credits
Partnership tax issues for individuals
Schedule K-1 matters
Guaranteed payment considerations
Non-passive vs. Passive reminders
Passive activity benefits
Self-employment tax issues
2 court cases on IRS reclassifications
Reconciliation of schedule K-1 to form 1040
When are losses properly allowed
Basis and at-risk basics
Cases to watch
S-corporation tax issues for individuals
Schedule K-1 analysis and hot spots
Shareholder at-risk basis
Reconciliation of schedule K-1 to form 1040
Form 7203 overview
Sole proprietor tax matters (schedule c filers)
Tax deductions not to miss
Business vehicle deductions
Depreciation inflation updates
Mileage rate deduction vs. Actual vehicles expenses
Employee status determination
Form 1099-K reminders
Qualified business income deduction update
Major IRS related individual announcements
Learning Objectives
Learn what tax laws have changed with these topics
Learn to better understand recent tax law changes of these topics and how they may apply to you or your clients circumstances
Learn more about these topics to better serve your clients with expanded and up-to-date information
Learn of the effective dates of law changes
Learn what is projected as future hot areas of potential IRS audits
Participants should be familiar with Federal tax issues for various entities
Advanced Preparation
Technology Requirement
Access and ability to watch a live Zoom broadcast.
Zoom has a free version. To set up your Zoom account, CLICK HERE. To be re-directed to the Zoom website for more information, CLICK HERE
IRS Enrolled Agents
The CE seminars are registered with the IRS, and will qualify as CE for Enrolled Agents. This CE program sponsor IRS provider number is YWTHG under the Organization name of JJ the CPA, PLLC. You must timely submit your attendance form with PTIN. CLICK HERE for further IRS information for Enrolled Agents CPE.
When will I get my CPE certificate of completion?​
Within 3 business days of you providing the required words to help@jjthecpacpe.com. This is a live format, and requires your attendance during the time designated. CLICK HERE for more information.
What if You Don't Need CPE
You do NOT need to be a CPA, EA or tax professional to attend this seminar. It is open to the public. If you don't need to earn CPE, then the below does not apply to you.
AICPA CPE* Requirements
This CPE program sponsor has prepared and will present this course in accordance with The Statement of Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Programs jointly issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). This CPE provider is NOT registered with NASBA at this time. CLICK HERE for a copy of these Standards.
NASBA Disclosure
This CPE program sponsor is NOT registered with the National Associate of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) at this time. CPE program sponsors are not required to be registered with NASBA to provide qualifying CPE. CPE credit can qualify as such for CPAs provided that the AICPA and NASBA standards (aforementioned) are followed. CLICK HERE for a list of all 50 states with a link to its CPE requirements to review your state CPE requirements.
Your State CPE* Requirements
State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. CLICK HERE for a list of all 50 states with a link to each states CPE requirements for CPAs. Review your states CPA CPE requirements. Some states require you provide the CPE program sponsors "state" ID. This CPE Program sponsor does not have any specific state IDs at this time. This CPE program sponsor has no separate state ID number for Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas or Pennsylvania.
ATTENTION: Are You Licensed CPAs in Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania?
Can Attorneys, Insurance Agents or CFPs Obtain CLE/CE Credit?
No. None of these courses provide CLE for attorneys, CE for Insurance Professionals or CE for Certified Financial Planners
4 hours CPE*
Price $47.00
Dates of Program
January Date to be Determined
Live Attendance is Required to Earn CPE* Credits for this Course
You will NOT receive CPE credit for re-watching the seminar video. You will be able to re-watch the seminar October 31, 2024 (next year), however, you will ONLY be able to receive CPE credits for your LIVE attendance to this seminar during the designated time. The seminar will not be available to watch until 48 hours after the end of the seminar.
Format to prove your attendance
A series of words will be shared randomly through out the seminar. You will submit those words on the Attendance Form (provided with your course materials) by email within 48 hours after the end of the seminar to prove your attendance. You must present by email 70% of the words for each hour, for that hour of CPE to be earned. Email the Attendance Form with the provided words to help@jjthecpacpe.com. Failure to submit these words within 48 hours will result in the forfeiture of earning any CPE for the seminar. There will be no refunds for your non-attendance or failure to submit the words timely. It will be made extremely clear the word being shared, is to prove your attendance.
Need a Free Zoom Account?
CLICK HERE to be redirected to Zoom to setup your free account. An account can be created within minutes. It's easy, quick and requires no credit card.
Refund policy, complaints, or cancellation policies
CLICK HERE for refund policy details and additional related details.
Please contact us
By email help@jjthecpacpe.com
By phone at 405-715-1556
Fifty minutes of participation in a program of learning equals one CPE* credit. This course will be fifty minutes long multiplied by the number of CPE* credits listed for this course.
JJ has over 31 years of public accounting experience in the area of tax, specializing in LLC, partnership, S corporation, and related individual tax matters. He still practices in the trenches in the CPA firm he founded over 26 years ago.
Joshua Jenson is a licensed CPA in Oklahoma and Texas, licensed in all 50 states with the IRS and a member of the American Institute of CPAs and Oklahoma Society of CPAs.
JJ THE CPA has traveled to over 50 cities, presenting tax courses to thousands of fellow CPAs, EAs and fellow Tax Pros covering the latest tax laws and strategies.
JJ the CPA has over 93,000 SUBSCRIBERS and over 7.5 million views on his YouTube channel “JJ THE CPA,” and is heavily represented on social media, with daily postings, including daily videos released on everything dealing with money.
JJ has authored 2 books available on Amazon.
Joshua has served as the past Chairperson of the OSCPA Educational Foundation and was named CPA of the year in Oklahoma City by his CPA peers.
Joshua is a 1993 graduate of Abilene Christian University where he earned is accounting degree.
Administrative Policies
CPE Record Retention Policy
Refund Policy
Program Cancellation Policy
Complaint Resolution Policy
Course Update Policy
Additional General FAQs
Content Development Policies
CLICK HERE for additional